Storage Device

                                                  Chapter 3            Lesson Overview Human beings store the information in their mind (memory of humans). Likewise, computer store information in its primary and secondary memory (memory of computer). They both can recognize it in the time of need. The physical parts of a computer that stores information and data either permanently or temporarily are called storage devices. They are classified as removable and non-removable storage devices. Computer memory is divided in to two parts. They are: 1.    Primary Memory 2.    Secondary Memory Primary Memory The memory that stores both processed and unprocessed data, program and instructions is known as primary memory. It is necessary for a computer to work. It is the main area where the data is stored. It operates at a very high speed. The stored data can

Input and Output Device


                                               CHAPTER 2


Lesson Overview

The device through which a user gives instruction to the computer to perform task is known as input devices. The devices from which computer receive input is called input device. Example: - Mouse, Trackball, Keyboard, Light pen, etc.

The functions of input devices are:-

i.                  It takes data instruction from the user,

ii.              It converts high level languages into machine level languages.

iii.           It sends the data and instruction to the CPU.

Some of the input devices are:                                   

Mouse is a small palm- sized pointing device used for giving command for performing task. It can be moved in any plain surface. It can be moved in any direction. It contains two buttons and a wheel to scroll by rotating it.


Keyboard have has A, S, D, F, J, K, L and; as home row keys. It is used for entering data. It is an input device. It is a rectangular bar- sized device used for giving instruction to the computer. There are generally 107 in it. Its keys are mainly categorized into five categories; they are alphabet keys (a, b, etc.), number keys (1, 2, etc.), navigation keys (¬/­/®/¯), function keys (F1, F2, etc.) and special keys (backspace space, delete key, Caps Lock key, etc.). Nowadays, some keyboards have attached touchpad too.

Light Pen is a light sensitive pointing device which looks like a pen. It is moved by user's hand on monitor screen. It can be used to select an option by simply pointing at it. It can be used to draw different shapes on the monitor screen


Digital Camera is a camera that stores pictures and videos in digital form. It stores photos in RAM or diskette, and transferred to computer for modification, long – term storage, or printout. Nowadays, most of the camera have attached printer from which the printed photo comes out just after taking the photo.


Microphone is an input device which gives command by creating sound. They enable to accept music, speech or sound effects for recording and or editing. This device is widely used as audio input device.


Joystick is a pointing device used for playing game. It consist handle that can be moved in different directions. It is mainly used to get better controls in game. There are also some other types of pointing device for playing games like game bar, etc.

Stylus is a pen like structure input device used to give command or write on the screen of a handheld device. It is a small pen or stick that is used to draw, move the cursor on the screen, take notes and create short messages.


The device through which computer gives result is called output device. Example: - Video displays, Printer, speaker, laser printer, earphone/headphone, etc.

The functions of output devices are: -

     I.            Gives the result to the user using softcopy and hardcopy output.

 II.            Takes the result produced by CPU.

III.            Convert the result produced by the computer after processing, into a form that we can understand.

Some of the output devices are:-

 Video Display is an electronic device that presents information visually. Monitor is a primary visually display device for personal computer. It shows the output in the form of text, pictures, animation and video on its screen.

Laser Printer is an output device used for printing results on paper. It uses laser beam to print images on paper. It is a high- quality, high speed printer. Toner has a toner cartridge which contains fine powdered black plastic.


Speaker is voice output device. It is generally used to listen the sound of computer. They are built in laptops, mobiles, etc. A user will not be able to get sound information of or from the computer.


Headphones are small types of speakers that can fit in our ears. They come in pair but they are joined together. It is also used for listening music and chatting with people over internet. They are also known as earphones but they are little different.


1.   Match the following: -

        Column “A”                                             Column “B”


Input device                            pointing device for playing games.

Keyboard                                 voice output device.

Joystick                                     mouse.  

Output device                         headphones.                

Speaker                                    navigation keys.

Microphone                             gives command by producing sound.


2. Fill in the blank.

a.   The devices from which computer receive ___________are called _______devices.

b.   _______ is a palm-sized pointing device.

c.    There are ________ keys in a keyboard.

d.  ___________is a camera that stores pictures in digital form.

e.    ________uses laser beam to print images on paper.

f.     ________ are the navigation keys in the keyboard.


  3. Tick the best answer.

a.   _____is an output device.

                     i            Speaker                          iii.  Mouse

                 ii            Printer                           IV.  Monitor

b.   _______is a palm-sized pointing device used playing games.                                           

i.                  Mouse                        iii.  Joystick

ii.              Light pen                   IV.  Keyboard

c.    ______is softcopy output device.

i.                  Monitor screen         iii.  Printer

ii.              Laser printer             IV.  Digital camera

d.  ______is a small-sized speaker that can fit in our ear.

i.                  Speaker                      iii.  Earphone

ii.              Headphone                IV.  Both of these except (i)


     4. Answer these questions.

a)  Define:

i.                  Output Devices        iii.    Mouse  

ii.              Input devices            IV.    Monitor screen

b)   Write short note on keyboard.

c)    What is a light pen?

d)  What is a laser printer?

e)    What is a joystick?





·       Make some models of input devices and color them.

·       Explain about both input and output devices in your classroom.

ü Explain with their uses, structure and their parts.


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